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An exchange for podcasters and sponsors.

We're creating tools to streamline podcast sponsorship.

Start by creating a campaign

Our campaign creator makes it easy to get up and running. Craft your message and target your audience. Select a budget and maximum CPM—we'll take it from there.

register to create your campaign

We'll target shows to deliver your message.

We'll use our analytics engine to offer your sponsorship opportunity to a variety of relevant shows at a competitive price. Podcasters who accept your offer will read your message on the air.

see live show data

You'll receive campaign reports.

As episodes are recorded, campaign reports provide a high-level overview of your campaign's success. Listen to delivered messages, view your total impressions, track your budget, and more.

cast.market is not an exclusive network. It’s an open marketplace for podcast sponsorship.

Start managing your show to receive offers and no-hassle payment.

Here at cast.market, we think a few tools could improve the world of podcasting and would love to hear from you.